Register now to take advantage of our specialized dispatch services. At Gamma Logistics, we offer personalized support, complete transparency in rates, and a dedicated team to optimize your operations. Join us today and discover how we can boost your success in freight transportation!
Unladen Liability and Occupational Accident coverage or, in some cases, statutory Workers’ Compensation coverage are mandatory. If you do not participate in the Unladen Liability and/or CPP (Occupational Accident insurance) programs, you must show comparable Unladen Liability coverage and/or Occupational Accident coverage through acceptable insurance carriers.
If statutory Workers’ Compensation coverage is required and you do not participate in the fleet workers’ compensation plan (FWCP) program, coverage must be provided by licensed carriers with acceptable interstate coverage.
These are minimum operator qualification standards subject to DOT requirements, and Gamma Logistics USA may impose more stringent requirements at its option. The decision whether to qualify an operator will be made by Gamma Logistics USA in its sole discretion and on a case-by-case basis.
2518 Sellers Dr #3, Meridian, MS 39301, EUA
(601) 914-9417